Black Munchkin Cat | Genetics, Price, Breeders…(With Pictures)

The Black Munchkin cat is a rarity in the rest of the world. Its characteristic coat color & short legs are due to a natural and spontaneous mutation. This distinctive trait and its unmistakable nature are what make this cat so special to breeders and fans.

The Genetics Behind the Black Munchkin

The palette of cat hair colors depends on two substances – eumelanin and pheomelanin. The former is responsible for the formation of the black color, as well as its derivatives – chocolate, blue, lilac, fawn, cinnamon. For the formation of red – the second.

The genes responsible for black (b) or red (o) color are located on the  X chromosome. In other words, the inheritance of coat color is sex-linked. Cats have two X-chromosomes and three variants of coat color:
– XoXo – red;
– XbXb – black;
– XbXo – tortoiseshell.

Cats have one X chromosome. The cat can be red or black, the color of its coat depends on which gene is carrying this chromosome – b or o.

Black Munchkin Cat
Image By: @ ikothemunchkin

Black Munchkin Size & Weight

Contrary to what we might think, the Munchkin does not suffer from back problems like the Dachshund and Basset dogs, known for their small stature. Its spine is like that of other cats, so it is equally flexible. Therefore, it does not tend to suffer from herniated discs.

Black Munchkin size

  • Female: Between 8 and 9 inches
  • Male: Between 8 and 9 inches
  • It reaches its adult size from 9 to 12 months.

Black Munchkin Weight

  • Female: Between 5 and 7.5 pounds
  • Male: Between 7 and 10 pounds

Black Munchkin Temperament & Personality

Black Munchkin Cat
Image By: @ ikothemunchkin

Black Munchkins are distinguished by their curious, friendly, and playful disposition. The character and habits of Munchkin are more like the behavior of a small dog. Sociable short-legged cats remain alone without problems but prefer to spend time in the company of their owners.

Curious munchkins don’t know what fear is. Short-legged cats explore all corners of the apartment, climbing into the most inaccessible places. And thanks to their high adaptability, munchkins can accompany their owners on trips without damage to the psyche.

Breed and children

Cats with short legs get along well with children of different ages. Representatives of the breed are happy to take part in a variety of fun, from running for a ball to riding on toy cars.

Patient short-legged cats stoically endure all children’s pranks and release their claws only in the most extreme cases.

Breed and other animals

Munchkin is a non-conflict cat, able to live peacefully on the same territory not only with his relatives but also with friendly dogs. Short-footed animals easily make contact with other pets, but if necessary, they can defend their rights.

Black Munchkin Health & Life Span

Black Munchkin Cat

This is a very young cat breed with a constantly expanding gene pool. Therefore, its representatives have good heredity, due to which they practically do not have health problems.

The life expectancy of the Black Munchkin

The life expectancy of the black munchkin ranges from 13 to 20 years, with an average longevity of 15 years.

Resistant / Robust

This cat is robust and his peculiar physiognomy does not present any particular challenge for him.

Tendency to gain weight

The metabolism of this little cat does not differ from that of other cats, because it does not need an energy intake greater than the average. This implies, however, the need to calculate (with the help of a veterinarian) the appropriate rations for our liking depending on their weight.

Common diseases

The Munchkin is generally hardy and presents few health problems intrinsic to its breed. However, it can be prone to lordosis, although it is a rare disease and not breed specific. It is a condition that affects the spine, making the muscles that support it too short and causing the spine to sink into the rib cage. This can put pressure on the lungs, trachea, and heart.

This condition is classified from mild to moderate, being the most severe cases suffered by puppies, which will not survive beyond 12 weeks. Kittens that suffer from this disease in a “mild” way will be able to lead a normal life, except for the shortness of breath that they will suffer when making physical efforts.
The Munchkin can also present the same ailments as other cats, such as oral pathologies.


Pairings with common cats or with the European Shorthair are allowed.
It is important to correctly select the specimens involved in the reproductive process and vary the genetic pool (that is, the pool) since this breed has a series of genetic peculiarities.

The gene (M), responsible for the short legs of the Munchkin, is dominant, while that of the legs of a standard length is recessive (m). The possible combinations are as follows:

  • Mm = short legs
  • mm = standard length legs
  • MM = unviable kitten

Black Munchkin Grooming & Maintenance 

Black Munchkin Cat
Image By: @ ikothemunchkin

Due to their small size, cats with short legs feel equally comfortable both in small apartments and in spacious mansions. Caring for munchkins comes down to trimming the nails, keeping the coat clean, hygiene of the eyes, ears, and mouth:

  • Every 2-3 weeks, you need to check the condition of the cat’s claws. Usually, they are ground naturally, but if necessary, they are shortened with a nail clipper. This is done very carefully so as not to touch living tissue.
  • Munchkin’s eyes and ears are regularly examined for uncharacteristic discharge and gently wiped with a cotton pad moistened with boiled water.
  • The pet’s teeth are brushed weekly with a silicone brush with a small amount of a special paste that does not foam.
  • Short-footed cats do not need frequent washing, they are bathed 3-4 times a year. Bath procedures are carried out in a warm room, away from drafts. The moistened Munchkin coat is lathered with a special shampoo without a pungent odor and after a few minutes, it is thoroughly washed off with clean water. In the end, the short-legged cat is carefully wiped off with a towel and dried with a silent hairdryer.
  • Several times a week, the munchkin is combed out with a special brush. Fluffy short-legged cats undergo this procedure more often than smooth cats.

How Much is Black Munchkin Cat?

A Black Munchkin Kitten has an average tag price of $1600-$2800. Some Breeders could even offer Black Munchkin Kittens for $3500 or even higher.

The price would depend on many factors, such as the kitten’s lineage, parents, health, and the breeder’s reputation.

Aside from the kitten’s price, it would be best to consider the expenses that would come with it. For instance, you may want to get the essential things for your kittens like grooming tools, food, and shelter.

Are Black Munchkin Cats Rare?

Yes, Black Munchkins are different due to the genetic makeup that makes them generate a lot of melanin. This is what makes up the black fur.

Names For Black Munchkin Cats

If you’re looking for names for your new black Munchkin cat, this roundup is a great place to start.

  1. Luna
  2. Jack
  3. Stella
  4. Loki
  5. Shadow
  6. Pepper
  7. Oreo
  8. Smokey
  9. Boo
  10. Olive
  11. Ichabod
  12. Igor
  13. October
  14. Autumn
  15. Wednesday
  16. Candy
  17. Phantom
  18. Dracula
  19. Harlow
  20. Monster

Where Can You Find a Black Munchkin Cat?

Frequently Asked Questions


Are black Munchkin cats more aggressive?

Any cat, regardless of its color, can show signs of aggression depending on the treatment it receives and its history. A recent study by the University of California revealed that black cats are calmer and more approachable than those of other colors.

What do black cats symbolize?

Black cats are often a symbol of Halloween or witchcraft. In most Western cultures, black cats have typically been looked upon as a symbol of evil omens, specifically being suspected of being the familiars of witches, or actually shape-shifting witches themselves.


  • Amanda Wheatley

    Passionate about animals, Amanda draws her expertise from her training as an educator, pet behaviorist as well as her extensive experience with animal owners. A specialist in dog and cat behavior, Amanda continues to learn about our four-legged companions by studying veterinary reference books but also university research sites (UCD, Utrecht, Cambridge, Cornell, etc..) Why Trust ShelterAPet? At ShelterAPet, our collective is composed of writers, veterinarians, and seasoned animal trainers with a deep passion for pets. Our team of esteemed professionals delves into extensive research to deliver trustworthy insights on a broad spectrum of pet-related subjects. We anchor our evaluations on direct customer experiences, meticulous testing, and comprehensive scrutiny. Our commitment is to uphold transparency and integrity for our cherished community of pet aficionados and prospective pet parents.